What to do in Alderney

The only working railway in the Channel Islands, the Alderney Railway, runs for 3.2 kilometres between Braye Road to Mannez Quarry and the Quesnard Lighthouse. Opened in 1847, the current stock is drawn by a diesel engine and includes the cars of a former London Underground Tube. The railway was originally built to carry stone from the eastern end of the island to build the breakwater and Victorian-era forts. It was commandeered by the Germans during the war and then the British Home Office. It is a fun way to travel to the eastern part of Alderney.

From the train’s terminus you can explore ‘The Odeon’, a huge concrete tower built by forced labour under the German occupiers originally as a naval range-finding position of enemy ships. There are four floors to explore and on a clear day there are great views of France from the observation deck. Check out the Alderney Railway website.

The coastline is also easy to access, with walks to Corblett’s Beach, Veaux Trembleurs Bay and Fort Quesnard and beaches. Or walk back to St Anne via the coast path (north or south coastline) and lanes.

What to do in Alderney

Check our page for our favourite things to do in Alderney

You may also be interested in walking Alderney’s coast path, see our Islandeering route for full details or buy our guidebook, ‘Islandeering: adventures around the edge of Britain’s hidden islands‘.

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